Internet Terms

cookie—Information such as passwords or preferences
that a Web site stores on a visitor’s computer
for retrieval during future visits.

firewall—Hardware, software, or a combination
of the two that monitors and controls the flow of
information between two segments of a network
or between a PC and the Internet.

IP (Internet Protocol) Address—A set of four
numbers, separated by periods, that identify a PC
on a private network or the Internet.

loopback address—A special IP address designated
for testing use by all computers. Pinging
this address on a PC will confirm that TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
is installed and the network adapter is functional.

Network adapter—An internal card or piece of
external hardware that gives a PC the capability of
communicating with other devices on a network
(private or the Internet).

PING—An acronym for Packet Internet Groper,
a utility that transmits data packets to a requested
IP address and reports on the response
time and availability. Also a verb that describes
this process.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)—A protocol for
encrypting data and sending it securely over
the Internet.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol)—A standard for transmitting data between
computers via network connections.
TCP/IP settings are the collective group of configurations
that enable a PC to send and receive
using TCP/IP.

TSL (Transport Layer Security)—Another protocol
(actually a tweaked version of SSL [Secure
Sockets Layer]) for encrypting and transmitting
data securely.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)—The technical
term for a Web address. You can use URLs and IP
addresses interchangeably in Web browsers.

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