If you’re looking for the best hotel deal, try Trip Advisor’s (www.tripadvisor.com) Find Hotels search feature. The feature is available on the home page and most destination pages and lets you define a destination, reservation dates, price level, and the number of occupants. Based on your search criteria, Trip Advisor explores its database for matching hotels and returns results in order of user ratings. For specific pricing information about a hotel, click its QuickCheck link and select online travel vendors to compare prices and check room availability. At press time Trip Advisor offered hotel information from Expedia.com, Orbitz, Hotels.com, hotel-specific Web sites, and others sources, depending on your destination. After you select the vendors, click the Go button. TripAdvisor opens a new window that displays the first vendor’s Web site with the pricing information for the hotel and your booking dates. To compare the next vendor, leave this window open and click the Show Next Offer button on the QuickCheck window. TripAdvisor opens another window to display the next vendor’s information. Continue checking vendors and pricing in this manner. To book a room, you work directly with the travel vendor.
TripAdvisor does not handle reservations or related questions. For example, if you find that Expedia.com offers the hotel package you want, book the room through Expedia.com. Because TripAdvisor’s QuickCheck feature displays pricing information directly from the vendor’s Web site, you can usually access the vendor’s online booking capability when you view pricing information with QuickCheck.