What Is Virus?

Self-replicating: yes 

Population growth: positive 

Parasitic: yes 

A virus is malware that, when executed, tries to replicate itself into other executable code; when it succeeds, the code is said to be infected? The infected code, when run, can infect new code in turn. This self-replication into existing executable code is the key defining characteristic of a virus. When faced with more than one virus to describe, a rather silly problem arises. There's no agreement on the plural form of "virus." The two leading contenders are "viruses" and "virii;" the latter form is often used by virus writers themselves, but it's rare to see this used in the security community, who prefer "viruses." If viruses sound like something straight out of science fiction, there's a reason for that. They are. The early history of viruses is admittedly fairly murky, but the first mention of a computer virus is in science fiction in the early 1970s, with Gregory Benford's The Scarred Man in 1970, and David Gerrold's When Harlie Was One in 1972. Both stories also mention a program which acts to counter the virus, so this is the first mention of anti-virus software as well. The earliest real academic research on viruses was done by Fred Cohen in 1983, with the "virus" name coined by Len Adleman. Cohen is sometimes called the "father of computer viruses," but it turns out that there were viruses written prior to his work. Rich Skrenta's Elk Cloner was circulating in 1982, and Joe Dellinger's viruses were developed between 1981-1983; all of these were for the Apple II platform. Some sources mention a 1980 glitch in Arpanet as the first virus, but this was just a case of legitimate code acting badly; the only thing being propagated was data in network packets. Gregory Benford's viruses were not limited to his science fiction stories; he wrote and released nonmalicious viruses in 1969 at what is now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, as well as in the early Arpanet. Some computer games have featured self-replicating programs attacking one another in a controlled environment. Core War appeared in 1984, where programs written in a simple assembly language called Redcode fought one another; a combatant was assumed to be destroyed if its program counter pointed to an invalid Redcode instruction. Programs in Core War existed only in a virtual machine, but this was not the case for an earlier game, Darwin. Darwin was played in 1961, where a program could hunt and destroy another combatant in a non-virtual environment using a well-defined interface. In terms of strategy, successful combatants in these games were hard-to-find, innovative, and adaptive, qualities that can be used by computer viruses too. Traditionally, viruses can propagate within a single computer, or may travel from one computer to another using human-transported media, like a floppy disk, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or USB flash drive. In other words, viruses don't propagate via computer networks; networks are the domain of worms instead. However, the label "virus" has been applied to malware that would traditionally be considered a worm, and the term has been diluted in common usage to refer to any sort of self-replicating malware. Viruses can be caught in various stages of self-replication. A germ is the original form of a virus, prior to any replication. A virus which fails to replicate is called an intended. This may occur as a result of bugs in the virus, or encountering an unexpected version of an operating system. A virus can be dormant, where it is present but not yet infecting anything - for example, a Windows virus can reside on a Unix-based file server and have no effect there, but can be exported to Windows machines.

File Obj3D.java

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;

class Obj3D
{  private float rho, d, theta=0.30F, phi=1.3F, rhoMin, rhoMax,
      xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax, v11, v12, v13, v21,
      v22, v23, v32, v33, v43, xe, ye, ze, objSize;
   private Point2D imgCenter;
   private double sunZ = 1/Math.sqrt (3), sunY = sunZ, sunX = -sunZ,
      inprodMin = 1e30, inprodMax = -1e30, inprodRange;
   private Vector w = new Vector();         // World coordinates
   private Point3D[] e;                     // Eye coordinates
   private Point2D[] vScr;                  // Screen coordinates
   private Vector polyList = new Vector();  // Polygon3D objects 
   private String fName = " ";              // File name

   boolean read(String fName)
   {  Input inp = new Input(fName);
      if (inp.fails())return failing();
      this.fName = fName;
      xMin = yMin = zMin = +1e30F;
      xMax = yMax = zMax = -1e30F;
      return readObject(inp); // Read from inp into obj

   Vector getPolyList(){return polyList;}
   String getFName(){return fName;}
   Point3D[] getE(){return e;}
   Point2D[] getVScr(){return vScr;}
   Point2D getImgCenter(){return imgCenter;}
   float getRho(){return rho;}
   float getD(){return d;}

   private boolean failing()
   {  Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
      return false;

   private boolean readObject(Input inp)
   {  for (;;)
      {  int i = inp.readInt();
         if (inp.fails()){inp.clear(); break;}
         if (i > 0)
         {  System.out.println(
               "Negative vertex number in first part of input file");
            return failing();
         w.ensureCapacity(i + 1);
         float x = inp.readFloat(), y = inp.readFloat(),
               z = inp.readFloat();
         addVertex(i, x, y, z);
      shiftToOrigin(); // Origin in center of object.
      char ch;
      int count = 0;
      do   // Skip the line "Faces:"
      {  ch = inp.readChar(); count++; 
      }  while (!inp.eof() && ch != '\n');
      if (count <> 8)
      {  System.out.println("Invalid input file"); return failing();
     //  Build polygon list:
     for (;;)
     {   Vector vnrs = new Vector();
         for (;;)
         {  int i = inp.readInt();
            if (inp.fails()){inp.clear(); break;}
            int absi = Math.abs(i);
            if (i == 0 || absi >= w.size() ||
               w.elementAt(absi) == null)
            {  System.out.println("Invalid vertex number: " + absi +
               " must be defined, nonzero and less than " + w.size());
               return failing();
            vnrs.addElement(new Integer(i));
         ch = inp.readChar();
         if (ch != '.' && ch != '#') break;
         // Ignore input lines with only one vertex number:
         if (vnrs.size() >= 2)
            polyList.addElement(new Polygon3D(vnrs));
      return true;

   private void addVertex(int i, float x, float y, float z)
   {  if (x < xmin =" x;"> xMax) xMax = x;
      if (y < ymin =" y;"> yMax) yMax = y;
      if (z < zmin =" z;"> zMax) zMax = z;
      if (i >= w.size()) w.setSize(i + 1);
      w.setElementAt(new Point3D(x, y, z), i);

   private void shiftToOrigin()
   {  float xwC = 0.5F * (xMin + xMax),
            ywC = 0.5F * (yMin + yMax),
            zwC = 0.5F * (zMin + zMax);
      int n = w.size();
      for (int i=1; i
            if (w.elementAt(i) != null)
            {  ((Point3D)w.elementAt(i)).x -= xwC;
               ((Point3D)w.elementAt(i)).y -= ywC;
               ((Point3D)w.elementAt(i)).z -= zwC;
         float dx = xMax - xMin, dy = yMax - yMin, dz = zMax - zMin;
         rhoMin = 0.6F * (float) Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
         rhoMax = 1000 * rhoMin;
         rho = 3 * rhoMin;

      private void initPersp()
      {  float costh = (float)Math.cos(theta),
               sinth = (float)Math.sin(theta),
               cosph = (float)Math.cos(phi),
               sinph = (float)Math.sin(phi);
         v11 = -sinth; v12 = -cosph * costh; v13 = sinph * costh;
         v21 = costh;  v22 = -cosph * sinth; v23 = sinph * sinth;
                       v32 = sinph;          v33 = cosph;
                                             v43 = -rho;

      float eyeAndScreen(Dimension dim)
         // Called in paint method of Canvas class
      {  initPersp();
         int n = w.size();
         e = new Point3D[n];
         vScr = new Point2D[n];
         float xScrMin=1e30F, xScrMax=-1e30F,
               yScrMin=1e30F, yScrMax=-1e30F;
         for (int i=1; i
         {  Point3D P = (Point3D)(w.elementAt(i));
            if (P == null)
         {  e[i] = null; vScr[i] = null;
         {  float x = v11 * P.x + v21 * P.y;
            float y = v12 * P.x + v22 * P.y + v32 * P.z;
            float z = v13 * P.x + v23 * P.y + v33 * P.z + v43;
            Point3D Pe = e[i] = new Point3D(x, y, z);
            float xScr = -Pe.x/Pe.z, yScr = -Pe.y/Pe.z;
            vScr[i] = new Point2D(xScr, yScr);
            if (xScr < xscrmin =" xScr; 
            if (xScr > xScrMax) xScrMax = xScr;
            if (yScr < yscrmin =" yScr;
            if (yScr > yScrMax) yScrMax = yScr;
      float rangeX = xScrMax - xScrMin, rangeY = yScrMax - yScrMin;
      d = 0.95F * Math.min(dim.width/rangeX, dim.height/rangeY);
      imgCenter = new Point2D(d * (xScrMin + xScrMax)/2,
                              d * (yScrMin + yScrMax)/2);
      for (int i=1; i
      {  if (vScr[i] != null){vScr[i].x *= d; vScr[i].y *= d;}
      return d * Math.max(rangeX, rangeY);
      // Maximum screen-coordinate range used in CvHLines for HP-GL

   void planeCoeff()
   {  int nFaces = polyList.size();

      for (int j=0; j
      {  Polygon3D pol = (Polygon3D)(polyList.elementAt(j));
         int[] nrs = pol.getNrs();
         if (nrs.length <>
         int iA = Math.abs(nrs[0]), // Possibly negative
             iB = Math.abs(nrs[1]), // for HLines.
             iC = Math.abs(nrs[2]);
         Point3D A = e[iA], B = e[iB], C = e[iC];
            u1 = B.x - A.x, u2 = B.y - A.y, u3 = B.z - A.z,
            v1 = C.x - A.x, v2 = C.y - A.y, v3 = C.z - A.z,
            a = u2 * v3 - u3 * v2,
            b = u3 * v1 - u1 * v3,
            c = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1,
            len = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c), h;
            a /= len; b /= len; c /= len;
            h = a * A.x + b * A.y + c * A.z;
         pol.setAbch(a, b, c, h);
         Point2D A1 = vScr[iA], B1 = vScr[iB], C1 = vScr[iC];
         u1 = B1.x - A1.x; u2 = B1.y - A1.y;
         v1 = C1.x - A1.x; v2 = C1.y - A1.y;
         if (u1 * v2 - u2 * v1 <= 0) continue; // backface
         double inprod = a * sunX + b * sunY + c * sunZ;
         if (inprod < inprodmin =" inprod; 
         if (inprod > inprodMax) inprodMax = inprod;
       inprodRange = inprodMax - inprodMin;

     boolean vp(Canvas cv, float dTheta, float dPhi, float fRho)
     {  theta += dTheta;
        phi += dPhi;
        float rhoNew = fRho * rho;
        if (rhoNew >= rhoMin && rhoNew <= rhoMax)
           rho = rhoNew;
           return false;
        return true;
    int colorCode(double a, double b, double c)
    {  double inprod = a * sunX + b * sunY + c * sunZ;
       return (int)Math.round(
          ((inprod - inprodMin)/inprodRange) * 255);

How to secured Data?

For most business professionals, the pain of losing a notebook PC to theft or an accident is compounded by the anguish of trying to reconstruct the important data stored on it. If you are a frequent traveler, you are at particular risk. Do you store new, important data on your notebook PC every day? Are you too busy to make daily, remote backups to a corporate server? If you make good daily backups, can you access them remotely from a new or public computer? If you live and die by your data and any of these questions gives you pause, you need to ensure the information is accessible even if your notebook PC is not. Fortunately, there are several easy and inexpensive ways to do just that. Data In A Flash A device that quickly is becoming ubiquitous for data storage is the flash drive. Flash drives are small plastic devices about the size of a finger (or smaller) that contain a rewriteable flash memory chip. Flash memory is the type used in your PC’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), the chip on the motherboard that stores low-level startup instructions and settings for the PC. Flash drives have no moving parts, so they are durable. Depending on the interface type, they can have read/write capabilities as fast as those you’ll find in a standard hard drive. Flash drives are available in sizes ranging from 64KB to 4GB or more. The most common type of flash drive for PC data is the USB flash drive, which connects to your PC via a USB port. Other types of flash drives, such as matchbook-sized compact flash cards, can store data from a PC, but most users employ them to store data in MP3 players, digital cameras, and other electronic gadgets. USB flash drives are thicker and more stoutly built than flash cards. (A few USB flash drives will make it through the wash, although the manufacturers do not suggest this course of action.) This makes them a better choice for a device that will be pulled from its PC host and stored in a purse, pocket, or briefcase. USB flash drives are much more expensive than external drives, but reasonably priced considering their portability. You can purchase a USB flash drive with 1GB of storage space for around $100 (less if you scour the Internet for deals). Of course, the big downside to these drives is that their small size and ease of mobility makes them easy to lose—and a quick and easy target for thieves. Compatibility and operation. USB drives are generally plug and go. If someone steals your notebook and you have been storing crucial data on a USB flash drive you removed from the PC, you can take the drive to any other computer with a USB port, and the new PC should recognize it automatically without the need for a software installation. (Windows 9x users may need to supply a driver.) Unlike most external drives, USB flash drives do not require a separate power supply, so you won’t need to lug around extra cords when you use them. Instead, they run off the host computer’s power. (They can be somewhat demanding in this respect; some models will not work with a USB hub, requiring instead a direct connection.)There are two USB specifications: 1.1 and 2.0. Current generation USB flash drives adhere to the USB 2.0 standard, which supports data transfer at a zippy 480Mbps (megabits per second)—about 60MBps (megabytes per second). In reality, most USB drives transfer at a slower rate (about 10 to 20MBps). USB 2.0 devices are downwardly compatible, so they will work with PCs equipped with a USB 1.1 port. However, they can only transfer data as fast as the PC can accept it (12Mbps for USB 1.1). If you have an older notebook with no USB port, or an outdated USB 1.1 port, consider upgrading to a USB 2.0 port if you plan to use a USB flash drive for data storage. The only other compatibility consideration for notebook users is that most USB flash drives have a hard-piped USB connector that is welded to the circuitry inside the plastic device. They often will not plug into standard notebook USB ports. You can purchase an external cable, commonly called a USB dongle, that will create a patched connection between the USB flash drive and your notebook’s USB port. Added security. Several USB flash drives come with additional security protections, including biometric (fingerprint) sensing units and software that lets you password-restrict access to the drive. This makes them a perfect solution for notebook users who want to store their data securely. If someone steals your USB flash drive, they won’t be able to access the data stored inside it. For example, Kingston (www.kingston .com), announced two secure drives earlier this year: the DataTraveler II Plus - Migo Edition, and the DataTraveler Elite. Both offer password-protected access to a secure (128-bit encrypted) partition. The Elite has the largest capacity ($399; 4GB). However, the Migo ($99; 1GB) includes software that automatically stores your Microsoft Outlook email contents, Internet Explorer Favorites, cookies, and other settings, and lets you access them at any other PC. Migo also stores all traces of Internet activities (so they won’t be left behind on the host PC) and can automatically synchronize new and updated data with your PC when you return home. Kanguru (www.kanguru.com) offers the Bio Drive ($99.95; 256MB), a biometric, encrypted USB flash drive that uses your fingerprint for authentication. (Bio Drive also supports toe prints, but Kanguru does not recommend using this method.) You can register up to five fingerprints for each USB flash drive. You can also create a password that will afford access to the drive if damage renders the biometric sensor unusable. Online Assistance Another option for keeping your data safe and accessible in the event of theft or disaster is an online data storage company. data to a secure server and access it from any computer via the Internet. Many companies offer this service. The best ones (and the only ones you should consider) encrypt your data during upload and store it in disaster-proof (protected against fire, hurricane, etc.) and intrusion- proof (using biometric sensors, guards, etc.) locations. Online storage firms are a good option if you have a high-speed Internet connection. Many companies supply software that compresses your data so that it moves more rapidly to the storage company’s servers. However, even compressed data moving over a high-speed connection will travel much more slowly than with a USB flash drive. If you have access to a T1 line at your company, you might enjoy transfer speeds of up to 3Mbps. Over a DSL line, expect transfer rates closer to 600Kbps (kilobits per second). (Both estimates are based on uncompressed file size.) Another downside to online data storage is that you must have an Internet connection, not only to access your data, but also to upload it. If you are on the road, you’ll need to log onto the Internet frequently to update your online data store or risk being caught unprepared if your notebook disappears.

User Account Protection(UAP) in Vista

It’s one of the longest standing Windows problems. The vast majority of Windows users log into their computers with full Administrator privileges. And that applies only to Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Users running Windows 9x or Windows Me don’t even have a true user account system. Either way, there’s a security vulnerability with this kind of login condition. Anyone who accesses your computer (whether they are sitting at it, connecting to it, or hacking into it via the Internet [or a network]) automatically has full rights to make whatever changes he wants on your computer, including things like formatting your hard drive, making off with documents and data files, or placing malicious files on your computer. It’s not just hackers either. Full access means that applications are permitted to install, and malware can easily be scripted to do just that. A Windows PC with porous security (that is, poorly configured or updated, or missing antivirus, firewall, and anti-spyware and anti-spam protection) logged in with Administrator privileges is a sitting duck. So why has Microsoft allowed this condition to exist for so long? Other OSes, such as Linux, have more usable and protective login protection mechanisms. It’s a more complex problem than appears on the surface. Win2000 and Win XP offer “Limited” default account logins. When you log in with a Limited account, there are things Windows doesn’t let you access or change, and if you work this way, your system is more secure. The expectation with this kind of account is that you’ll log out of your Limited account and log in to an account with administrator privileges when you need to change settings, install drivers, and install applications. For many of us, however, the time and effort required to live in a Limited account while having to log in and out of an Administrator account to perform these system-related tasks is a hassle. So our inclination is to always use an Administrator account. The problem is compounded by Win XP’s Fast User Switching feature, which makes it easy to switch from one account to another on a single computer. Prior to Fast User Switching it could take a long time to log off and log back on to a different account with Administrator privileges, and then repeat the process to log back on to your Limited account. With Win XP users can be logged into multiple Administrator accounts at the same time and switch between them quickly. It’s no wonder that most Win XP users prefer using Administrator accounts all the time. User Account Protection Microsoft had hoped that Win XP’s Fast User Switching feature would be enough to get more people using Limited account logins. Trouble is, hundreds of millions of Windows users have been doing it the old way, some of them for a couple of decades. There is a large educational issue that Windows users must overcome, but the reality is that Microsoft can’t really force us or train us to protect our PCs better in this area without risking a user revolt. The better plan is to keep working on the user interface to make it easier for people to do the right thing. Work on the message. And work toward a day when the new user process is seamless enough that you can disable the old way. I don’t think Windows Vista will get us all the way there, but it’s a move in the right direction. So what’s Microsoft doing? Its solution is called UAP (User Account Protection), and it makes a good deal of sense. Microsoft is attacking the problem from both sides. On one side it is expanding the scope of Limited account privileges, making it more usable without compromising security. For example, locking down the system clock is an important thing to do for security purposes on a Limited account. But there’s really nothing wrong with allowing the user to change the time zone of a Limited account. You can’t make that change from a Win XP Limited account. But you’ll be able to do so in Vista. So, Microsoft is running through all the privilege restrictions on the Limited account to make the default privileges more lenient, where possible. By doing so, it eliminates some of the head-aches of living with a restricted user login. The other part of the OS maker’s strategy is to borrow the privileges of your Administrator account by authenticating to it. In a Vista Limited account, it’s possible, for instance, to change the system date, month, and year. Instead of logging out and logging in with Administrator rights, though, all you have to do is click the new Unlock button that appears in the Date And Time Properties dialog box. When you click Unlock, Vista prompts you to enter the name of a user account with administrator privileges and its password. After clearing that authentication hurdle, Vista gives you full access to make date and time changes. But There’s A Catch When it comes to configuring Windows system-wide settings, networking, and working with other Windowsspecific programs and Vistaera Microsoft applications, this solution is about as good as it gets. But there’s a catch when it comes to the activities of installing applications and at least some device drivers. Application makers have to also join in the effort to make this work. Third-party software developers must make their applications Limited account- aware and support the Unlock functionality in their setup routines. Microsoft is a much better than- average market leader when it comes to creating structured environments for third-party software and hardware providers, helping them work toward shared goals like this one. And I suspect that most traditional commercial apps will support Windows Vista’s UAP features in short order. Microsoft has several incentives that will nudge them to add this support. But there are literally thousands of shareware, freeware, and open-source Windows applications that will be oblivious to any nudges. Until the Windows Vista market share is very large, many are unlikely to get around to adding Windows Vista Limited Account Unlock support. So, especially early on right after Windows Vista ships, many people trying to use Limited accounts may become sufficiently frustrated by installation hassles that they may go back to working in an admin-level account, which, of course, defeats the purpose. I can’t fault Microsoft’s technical strategy in solving this problem. It’s spot on. But something more should be done to inspire the majority of software makers to comply— or to make it a moot point whether they comply. For example, could Microsoft make a basic 32-bit installation routine that supports Unlock freely available to smaller software makers? Or could it offer some help to these small programming companies? Last Thoughts In Windows Vista Beta 1, the UAP feature is something you can turn on or off. Unless Microsoft can fully resolve all the issues with this new functionality, particularly with respect to application installation, I would hope that UAP would continue to be something you could turn on or off as an option. Microsoft is working hard to solve a problem that has long needed attention. We shouldn’t expect miracles, but Microsoft should do as much as possible to solve this problem in Vista. You and I have a responsibility, too. We need to investigate UAP and try hard to make it work. We all have to take some responsibility for our own computer security.

New Netscape’s Navigator !!

Longtime World Wide Web surfers remember Netscape, co-founded by Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen. They especially recall the company’s Navigator browser, although their memories of wonder at the digital world beyond that familiar ship’s wheel are probably leavened with recollections of slow page renderings and occasional glitches. And, poignantly, they remember the company as one of several crushed by the hypercompetitive Microsoft. 
Yes, Netscape still exists. Today, it’s a subsidiary of America Online, which is owned by Time Warner, itself an empire to rival Microsoft. In the years since the merger, Netscape has branched out, providing low-cost dial-up Internet service (www.getnetscape.com), along with its signature browser (browser .netscape.com) and Netcenter portal (netcenter.netscape.com).Over the years, Netscape has aided various organizations that would compete against Microsoft or curb its more controversial business tactics. And recently, the company has even turned Microsoft’s own browser against it. 
The Browser Netscape’s Navigator browser was king of the hill in the mid-1990s, when the Internet exploded in popularity. And then it came to pass that Microsoftincorporated its competing Internet Explorer browser into Windows 95, appearing to make it free to the end user. Based on Mosaic, an early browser that gave Netscape its start as well, IE improved steadily, and quickly became a worthy competitor. Eroding market share forced Netscape to give away its Navigator browser and complementary Communicator suite for free, too, in a doomed attempt to remain dominant. (Most users were using it for free anyway.) It didn’t help that IE pulled ahead of Navigator in the performance and stability departments. Fortunes reversed, IE’s market share soared into the 80th and 90th percentiles, and soon Netscape was adrift without a rudder. Later, though, Microsoft’s tactics became a key plank of the Department of Justice antitrust charges against it, mainly because of its claim that IE was so integrated into Windows that the browser couldn’t be removed from the code base in a practical way. Mozilla. Fast-forward to the present day. IE, now in version 6.0 and change, still dominates the browser landscape. However, the plates are shifting beneath it. Opera and Apple’s Safari still claim small slices of the pie, but it is an opensource browser the Mozilla Foundation (www.mozilla.org) developed that is winning converts from the blue “e.” “Mozilla was the operating name for the open-source effort behind the browser code,” says Netscape spokesman Andrew Weinstein, and that’s the name Netscape’s browser development team kept when AOL spun it off as a new foundation. 
“We provided more than $2 million in startup capital, we provided intellectual property, we provided some facilities and technical support, and actually some human resources as well for them,” Weinstein says. After its defeat at Microsoft’s hands, it might have amused Netscape to support the open-source movement in this way. After all, to a behemoth that built its wealth on the sale of OSes and apps, such as Microsoft, the free and easy licensing of open-source softwareNetscape sends updated whitelists and blacklists to Netscape 8 on a regular basis, so you’re more likely to be protected when visiting a new site that could be harboring malware.seemed like the proverbial little mouse in the elephant pen. Mozilla’s browser engine, Gecko, founded a whole family of browsers, including one named Mozilla. However, the organization’s new Firefox browser shows the greatest potential for taking back Microsoft’s share of the market. It has certainly grabbed its share of headlines this year. Netscape 8. 
Netscape based its latest browser, Netscape 8.0.2 (as of press time), on Firefox 1.0.3. Revisions are on the way as several Firefox security vulnerabilities have come to light. Some Web developers also questioned Netscape 8’s behavior regarding IE and Windows’ Registry. “There were some updates that we made to improve the browser’s features and functionality, but it has performed exactly as we hoped it would and the feedback from users has been terrific on it,” says Weinstein. In a unique twist, Netscape 8 can switch between Firefox and IE to render different Web sites’ pages. This lets users enjoy the relative security of surfing with Firefox, yet benefit from IE’s broad compatibility when needed. Users can specify which engine to use for each site they visit or change rendering engines on the fly. Netscape 8 “also ‘surfaces’ a lot of features and functionality that may exist in other browsers but are tougher to find,” Weinstein says. For instance, when a user visits a site that offers an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, one click adds that feed to the scrolling headline bar. The browser features regularly updated lists of untrustworthy sites (blacklists) and trusted ones (whitelists). These trigger customizable security settings, so Netscape can automatically raise the gangplank, so to speak, when the user sails to a site flying a virtual Jolly Roger. “It’s the only browser currently available that takes that step to add security for users,” Weinstein says. Netscape 8 offers tabbed browsing, blocks pop-ups, and can also warn the user against phishing scam sites. For privacy, you can set Netscape 8 to clear its cache and history whenever you close the browser. It even thwarts some spyware.Since its merger with AOL in late 1998, Netscape has kept a lower profile. It sold its business offerings, such as Web content search and some portals, to Sun Microsystems and other buyers. However, the company still offers its Netcenter portals for consumers, now spiffed up with Flash content and articles that appear in “drawers.” 
The other two tiers of today’s Netscape are its browser and ISP service, both of which seem a little redundant considering that AOL offers its own versions of both. Not so, Weinstein says. “They appeal to different users. [Netscape users] may want to customize their browsing experience, or they may want to use a more advanced browser that allows them to choose which settings they want in which pages. Or they may want to use an ISP that only provides connectivity and then lets them decide which features and functionality they want.” In contrast, AOL provides more of a package deal that limits the choices a user must make, Weinstein adds. Netscape launched its dial-up Internet service in 2004. It starts at $9.95 per month, with à la carte options, such as antivirus protection, costing more. Of course, Netscape has a smaller market share than AOL, which continued to lead in dial-up subscribers in the first quarter of 2005 with 29% of the U.S. market (TNS Telecoms, July 2005). Netscape also provides useful downloads, such as a free pop-up blocker for IE (channels.netscape.com/netcenter /search/install.jsp). You can get a free Netscape.com email address at https:// my.screenname.aol.com/_cqr/registra tion/initRegistration.psp. And for a home page you can customize with the current information you want, check out My Netscape at my.netscape.com. Weinstein kept mum about Netscape’s future plans, save to mention security and usability improvements to the browser. If it’s been a while since you looked at Netscape, take a look. It might just make your Internet voyage smoother sailing.

Wireless LANs

With wireless hotspots sprouting overnight like mushrooms on a cool damp morning, it’s easy to see that wireless is hot. And, the popularity of wireless networks isn’t limited to SOHO (small office/home office) users. Larger organizations are starting to set up their corporate facilities with wireless access points in order to provide their users with flexibility in accessing network resources from previously inaccessible and unwired locations. The freedom of flexibility comes at a cost though. WLANs (wireless LANs) have potential security problems everyone should know about.

One problem quickly surfaces when organizations assume their wireless networks are automatically secure from the get-go (or “right out of the box”). Wireless network manufacturers often set their product default security settings at a low threshold by design. Products manufactured in this way are more compatible with a diverse assortment of existing software and hardware systems during installation. Understandable from the manufacturer’s standpoint; however, that threshold is usually inadequate to protect the internal network from compromise. After a company’s administrators successfully install the network, however, they must up the security settings to meet the company’s requirements. Although passwords and some other authentication measures appear sufficient to protect wired networks from breaches, they certainly don’t suffice when it comes to wireless networks that are exposed through their wireless access points. Unlike traditional wired networks, intruders don’t need to have physical access to your premises to achieve access to your wireless data communications. Much like with radio waves; anyone listening in can receive the unprotected wireless broadcast whether their intentions are aboveboard (though some say we’d be hard-pressed to validate any such eavesdropping). There are methods for increasing the security of your wireless network; however, and we’ll examine them here. Turn Off SSID Broadcast An alphanumeric string called an SSID (Service Set Identifier) identifies your wireless network. The SSID broadcast arrives as an integrated, enabled part of most new wireless hardware devices, and it makes finding WLAN access points easy during your initial setup process. The SSID (or network name) for your wireless network is required so devices can connect to the network. Access points (which are the hubs or base stations of your networked computers) are a source of potential insecurity for your wireless network. Wireless access points lack innate authentication methods, leaving internal networks vulnerable. Circumvent this obstacle by having your administrators incorporate your existing authentication infrastructures into a wireless access point. To make your network more secure, your company’s administrators can opt to suppress the broadcast of the SSID by access points. By doing this, you allow users to connect to your network only if they know the correct SSID while preventing unauthorized users from scanning for available networks. Most hardware manufacturers (Linksys, 3Com, and the like) permit disabling your SSID broadcast, in essence, concealing your network. Your company doesn’t want random wireless devices connecting to your network; you can impede those connections by refraining from announcing (broadcasting) your presence and by withholding key pieces of information other users need to make a connection. If your network is not broadcasting, and if the knowledge that you’re running wireless is not widespread, then hackers will not readily target your system. If you want to disable your SSID broadcast (and/or your beacon signal) you have to display the configuration and administration screens of your specific wireless access point or router; refer to the users manual for specific instructions to learn how. Enable Security Long used in traditional message sending, encryption rises to the challenge when it comes to wireless security, as well. To make your data illegible to prying eyes, manufacturers include encryption schemes in their wireless equipment products. Be sure that your wireless devices use the highest encryption levels available; not low-level 40-bit encryption, but high-level 128-bit encryption. You can enable WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) or WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) encryption in your wireless system.

Vista & User Accounts

It’s one of the longest standing Windows problems. The vast majority of Windows users log into their computers with full Administrator privileges. And that applies only to Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Users running Windows 9x or Windows Me don’t even have a true user account system. Either way, there’s a security vulnerability with this kind of login condition. Anyone who accesses your computer (whether they are sitting at it, connecting to it, or hacking into it via the Internet [or a network]) automatically has full rights to make whatever changes he wants on your computer, including things like formatting your hard drive, making off with documents and data files, or placing malicious files on your computer. It’s not just hackers either. Full access means that applications are permitted to install, and malware can easily be scripted to do just that. A Windows PC with porous security (that is, poorly configured or updated, or missing antivirus, firewall, and antispyware and antispam protection) logged in with Administrator privileges is a sitting duck. So why has Microsoft allowed this condition to exist for so long? Other OSes, such as Linux, have more usable and protective login protection mechanisms. It’s a more complex problem than appears on the surface. Win2000 and WinXP offer “Limited” default account logins. When you log in with a Limited account, there are things Windows doesn’t let you access or change, and if you work this way, your system is more secure. The expectation with this kind of account is that you’ll log out of your Limited account and log in to an account with administrator privileges when you need to change settings, install drivers, and install applications. For many of us, however, the time and effort required to live in a Limited account while having to log in and out of an Administrator account to perform these system-related tasks is a hassle. So our inclination is to always use an Administrator account. The problem is compounded by WinXP’s Fast User Switching feature, which makes it easy to switch from one account to another on a single computer. Prior to Fast User Switching it could take a long time to log off and log back on to a different account with Administrator privileges, and then repeat the process to log back on to your Limited account. With WinXP users can be logged into multiple Administrator accounts at the same time and switch between them quickly. It’s no wonder that most WinXP users prefer using Administrator accounts all the time.Microsoft had hoped that WinXP’s Fast User Switching feature would be enough to get more people using Limited account logins. Trouble is, hundreds of millions of Windows users have been doing it the old way, some of them for a couple of decades. There is a large educational issue that Windows users must overcome, but the reality is that Microsoft can’t really force us or train us to protect our PCs better in this area without risking a user revolt. The better plan is to keep working on the user interface to make it easier for people to do the right thing. Work on the message. And work toward a day when the new user process is seamless enough that you can disable the old way. I don’t think Windows Vista will get us all the way there, but it’s a move in the right direction. So what’s Microsoft doing? Its solution is called UAP (User Account Protection), and it makes a good deal of sense. Microsoft is attacking the problem from both sides. On one side it is expanding the scope of Limited account privileges, making it more usable without compromising security. For example, locking down the system clock is an important thing to do for security purposes on a Limited account. But there’s really nothing wrong with allowing the user to change the time zone of a Limited account. You can’t make that change from a WinXP Limited account. But you’ll be able to do so in Vista. So, Microsoft is running through all the privilege restrictions on the Limited account to make the default privileges more lenient, where possible. By doing so, it eliminates some of the head-aches of living with a restricted user login. The other part of the OS maker’s strategy is to borrow the privileges of your Administrator account by authenticating to it. In a Vista Limited account, it’s possible, for instance, to change the system date, month, and year. Instead of logging out and logging in with Administrator rights, though, all you have to do is click the new Unlock button that appears in the Date And Time Properties dialog box. When you click Unlock, Vista prompts you to enter the name of a user account with administrator privileges and its password. After clearing that authentication hurdle, Vista gives you full access to make date and time changes. When it comes to configuring Windows system-wide settings, networking, and working with other Windows specific programs and Vista Microsoft applications, this solution is about as good as it gets. But there’s a catch when it comes to the activities of installing applications and at least some device drivers. Application makers have to also join in the effort to make this work. Third-party software developers must make their applications Limited account- aware and support the Unlock functionality in their setup routines. Microsoft is a much better than- average market leader when it comes to creating structured environments for third-party software and hardware providers, helping them work toward shared goals like this one. And I suspect that most traditional commercial apps will support Windows Vista’s UAP features in short order. Microsoft has several incentives that will nudge them to add this support. But there are literally thousands of shareware, freeware, and open-source Windows applications that will be oblivious to any nudges. Until the Windows Vista market share is very large, many are unlikely to get around to adding Windows Vista Limited Account Unlock support. So, especially early on right after Windows Vista ships, many people trying to use Limited accounts may become sufficiently frustrated by installation hassles that they may go back to working in admin-level account, which, of course, defeats the purpose. I can’t fault Microsoft’s technical strategy in solving this problem. It’s spot on. But something more should be done to inspire the majority of software makers to comply— or to make it a moot point whether they comply. For example, could Microsoft make a basic 32-bit installation routine that supports Unlock freely available to smaller software makers? Or could it offer some help to these small programming companies? In Windows Vista Beta 1, the UAP feature is something you can turn on or off. Unless Microsoft can fully resolve all the issues with this new functionality, particularly with respect to application installation, I would hope that UAP would continue to be something you could turn on or off as an option. Microsoft is working hard to solve a problem that has long needed attention. We shouldn’t expect miracles, but Microsoft should do as much as possible to solve this problem in Vista. You and I have a responsibility, too. We need to investigate UAP and try hard to make it work. We all have to take some responsibility for our own computer security.

Audio/Video Streaming

So you’re out on the road for business, and one of your evenings isn’t filled with dinner with clients or co-workers. You can’t really justify a taxi ride into the city for some adventure or, even worse, you’re in a town with absolutely no adventure whatsoever. But the good news is, you do have your trusty notebook computer and the hotel has high-speed Internet access. Guess what that means? It means you now have access to virtually limitless sources of news, sports, and entertainment! So say goodbye to boredom and hello to the exciting and wonderful world of streaming content. There are a few prerequisites for accessing streaming media across the ‘Net. The most important of these is a media player. The good news: Almost every Windows-based PC comes equipped with the free Windows Media Player, which is capable of playing MPEG, AVI, and WMV formats for video, as well as almost every audio format available. There might be a cause for other media players, however. Most notable of these is Apple’s QuickTime media player, freely available from quicktime .apple.com. Some other sites might require RealMedia’s Real Player, which you can get from www.real.com free of charge. Real also has a paid offering called SuperPass, which we’ll discuss in detail later in this article.Recently, CNN.com bucked the norm and made all of its video content available for free. Not only does it carry video feeds for each major story for the day, it also has a feed that is updated hourly with the most current updates on news items. To access the feeds at CNN.com, all you need to do is click any video link next to a news story. This will bring up the feed player, providing easy access to every stream available at the current moment via the table of contents on the right. You can view available feeds by relevance to the current video you are watching or by the top-viewed video streams for the day by clicking Top Video. If you’d like to see a simple list of all available video, along with associated popularity ranks, runtime length, and the time it was updated,you can just click Browse in the video tab and see everything available to you at once. CNN.com’s move to free video prompted all the other major news organizations to follow suit, so you can also catch free video throughout the day from FoxNews.com, MSNBC.com, ABC News (abcnews.go.com), and CBSNews.com. Even The Weather Channel (www.weather.com) has begun offering streaming video of its top weather stories updated every few hours from its site, absolutely free of charge. For a less bandwidth-intensive option, National Public Radio (www .npr.org) provides a 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week live radio stream from its Web site for free. Even if you don’t have a high-speed Internet connection, NPR’s radio stream comes across loud and clear. There is a paid offering from Real Network called Real SuperPass which offers access to premium content feeds, usually updated more often than the free content on most sites. A few examples of such feeds are live broadcasts of “Good Morning America” on ABC News and live streaming news from the BBC, as well as premium content from any of the 55 video clients it services. This feature costs $12.99 a month, but you can preview it free for 14 days.ESPN (espn.go.com) is essentially your one-stop sports Web site. It has video, audio, and updates of every game in every sport, live video archives of the highlights of yesterday’s games and biggest sports news stories, games, and even it’s own radio station. ESPNRadio.com is a 24/7 sports-only radio station that streams in real time. Whether you’re looking for scores and updates or a detailed, play-by-play analysis of yesterday’s playoff games, ESPNRadio.com delivers it clearly and doesn’t require high speed to access.NHL; refer to the site for details. Fox Sports has a similar system in its Fox Sports Mobile application, a free download from msn.fox sports.com. Once running, you get live updates via direct feed into the application. You can also access video clips of game highlights both during the game and once it’s over.There are two Web sites of note in the streaming video arena that carry some highly entertaining content on the Internet: Ifilm.com and Atomfilms.com. Both of these sites carry video clips and short films; however, each has its own specialization. Ifilm tends to carry more “viral video” content, high profile videos of commercials, clips, cartoons, and other media that have created a buzz, while Atom Films leans more toward interactive content and preview clips. After Atom Films acquired Shockwave.com, it inherited a ton of interactive video games playable from your Web browser, giving you hours upon hours of boredom elimination. And if you’re looking for independently created shows and serialized screenplays to while away the ticking of the clock, Ifilm’s independent creators are just what you’re looking for. If you’re looking to go down a truly independent track, you could check out the user-streamed broadcasts on Winamp TV. You can download the free Winamp media player atLooking to catch up on previews of the latest movies? Apple features a movie trailer Web site (apple.com/trailers) which catalogues trailers from both upcoming releases and movies that have already been released. The collection of clips available from Apple is nothing short of vast, so even though a movie has already been released, you can determine if you want to spend your hard-earned money on it or not by heading here and watching the trailer.

If music is your first choice for entertainment, there’s a massive repository of streaming music videos available through Yahoo! LAUNCHcast (launch .yahoo.com). Just about every genre of music is represented here, from country-and-western to hip-hop and pop to heavy metal. You can search through music video archives and find the videos you used to watch in your youth (usually behind your parents’ backs), even from artists you’d never imagine would be archived. Relive the glory days of U2 performing at Red Rocks, screeching hair metal, and plaid-filled grunge right from your Web browser. If visual stimulation isn’t really your preference, LAUNC Hcast offers audio streams of all the songs you remember, plus the new material of the day.

Dell Improves Its Gaming Prowess

Dell’s XPS line is all about delivering ultrafast 3D performance to gamers. The Dell Dimension XPS 600 is the company’s follow-up to the XPS Gen 5, and it doesn’t disappoint. The XPS 600 packs a serious gaming punch, with a stupendous 1TB of hard drive space, a speedy 3.8-GHz P4 670 processor, and two top-of- the-line nVidia GeForce 7800 GTX graphics cards in an SLI configuration. It also comes with the Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition operating system and two standard-definition TV tuners, making it an ideal living-room companion. Built in the same case as the Gen 5, with a new “armor” front plate, the XPS 600 is imposing. Although the XPS 600 has a multitude of PCIe and PCI slots, they’re all filled. But there is room for more RAM (beyond the 1GB it ships with) and one more hard drive. If you need to add anything else, the USB 2.0 ports are plentiful. The XPS 600 is surprisingly quiet— not exactly silent, but it won’t be an annoyance even during high-CPU-use scenarios. The machine can be configured with virtually any high-end Pentium processor, including the dual-core Pentium Extreme Edition 840. The nVidia-based motherboard chipset (not Intel—a fi rst for Dell) can use two full x16 PCIe lanes for the graphics, as opposed to the x8/x8 or x16/x4 configurations available up to this point. This means you’ll be able to make the most of current graphics cards and newer graphics cards down the line. As expected, the XPS 600 really lets loose on the 3D gaming tests, scoring 7,504 on 3DMark05 (at 1,600-by- 1,200)—more than twice the score of the XPS Gen 5. And it delivered 80 fps or better across the board on our Doom 3 tests. This means that the game is playable no matter what settings you turn on.

Onboard Automotive Systems

If you watch television, you no doubt have seen one of the many commercials where an individual or family is saved from a horrific fate because they have OnStar (an onboard automotive telematics system). OnStar is the market leader and most visible of these systems, which offer such features as computerized navigation, vehicle diagnostics, and wireless communication. However, Microsoft’s Windows Automotive platform has been making inroads in this area, with automakers and aftermarket providers incorporating the technology and logging laps in the race for market share. What exactly can you expect from these systems? Is one better than another? Will OnStar lead all the way to the checkered flag? The answers may surprise you.

It’s somewhat difficult to accurately compare OnStar against Windows Automotive because the services are intrinsically quite different. OnStar is a monitored, monthly-fee service where a network of operators (OnStar Advisors) work in tandem with a computer, which is installed inside your vehicle and runs a proprietary OS. OnStar’s pairing of machine and man enables it to provide drivers with navigational assistance (with the aid of GPS [global positioning system]), emergency communications and vehicle tracking services for emergency personnel, handsfree calling, and a variety of other offerings (depending on your service level). For some of these features, you canaccess them directly from the vehicle. For others, you connect to a communications center and speak with an Advisor. Windows Automotive, on the other hand, is a software platform (based on the Windows CE embedded OS) that device makers use as the foundation for proprietary onboard systems (factory installed and after market). Some companies use a Windows Automotive-based solution in their vehicles and pair it with an OnStar-style operator assistance feature. Other automakers and manufacturers offer very different feature sets. Satoshi Soma, general manager of AVNC Product Development at Alpine Electronics says, “Windows Automotive . . . provides our developers with essential building blocks for creating our in-vehicle technology.” This is an excellent analogy because Windows Automotive is the core technology that transparently runs and interconnects all the various components of the system (in much the same way that Windows CE runs retail transaction devices or medical monitoring equipment). However, the system manufacturer, and not Microsoft, designs the complete package, including but not limited to the security features, navigational structure, and user interface. This difference does not mean Windows Automotive is better or worse than OnStar, it just means the decision-making process may be more complicated. Onboard OnStar No matter which OnStar-equipped model you purchase, you can expect a consistent set of available (although not necessarily included) features. Your vehicle will be equipped with front, rear, and side sensors that detect a crash; a cellular antenna to connect you to the OnStar network; a GPS device for tracking and mapping; a built-in microphone for hands-free communication; and in some GM models, sensors that measure crash severity and perform GM Goodwrench diagnostic checks. Just because your vehicle is equipped with OnStar doesn’t mean you must purchase the service. However, all new OnStar-equipped vehicles come with one free year of OnStar’s Safe & Sound service (regularly $199 per year).This service plan includes automatic vehicle diagnostics, remote door unlocking, crash monitoring and emergency personnel notification services, stolen vehicle location assistance (via GPS), roadside assistance, remote horn and light flashing (to help you find your vehicle), and concierge services (recommendations for restaurants, entertainment, and shopping). You are also eligible for hands-free calling and Virtual Adviser (news, weather, traffic, and more), but you must purchase cellular minutes to use these services. For $399 per year, you can upgrade to Directions & Connections, which includes all Safe & Sound services plus a range of information and convenience services, such as having On- Star make hotel reservations or call a cab or a friend if a driver is incapable of driving. Directions & Connections also includes Driving Directions, whereby OnStar will pinpoint a desired location, and then provide voice routing to the destination. (Including an alternate route if the driver is caught in traffic.)
There is no set group of features you can expect with a vehicle running a Windows Automotive-based system, so you’ll need to review the options carefully before you choose a vehicle based on its telematics system. For example, BMW’s offering, BMW Assist, is similar to OnStar but incorporates Bluetooth and Internet connectivity, and features a concierge-style operator that can purchase event tickets or shop for gifts on behalf of the driver. In a high-end touch that will appeal to BMW’s target market, BMW Assist subscribers can use the service not only in their cars, but also at home or the office. Taking a more gadget-centric approach is the joint Fiat Auto/Microsoft solution that debuted this year (a collaborative effort between six electronics manufacturers, including Samsung and Siemens). The voice-activated system incorporates a navigational module; Bluetooth connectivity for hands-freeintegration with devices such as cellular phones, Pocket PCs, and other Bluetooth hardware; Internet access so drivers can access real-time navigation and traffic information; and a USB connection so consumers can add a digital music player. Customers can extend the system with supported third-party service addons such as remote diagnostics and electronic yellow pages.
So who will take the checkered flag? Massachusetts-based Forrester Research thinks Microsoft is poised to win the race, eventually. Despite its market lead, OnStar reports only 4 million subscribers (free and paid)—which is a fraction of the cars on the road. Furthermore, the new Microsoft/Fiat solution is less expensive and more flexible than OnStar. According to Forrester Research, Microsoft “has finally cracked the code with a working device that provides more functionality at a lower cost than anything else available today.” Of course, it’s possible that neither will enjoy a conclusive victory any time soon. The hottest add-on in automobiles today is the backseat entertainment system (found in 10% of vehicles sold last year, compared to 5% that included the No. 2 choice, navigational devices). By 2010, the Telematics Research Group predicts monitored telematics systems and embedded Bluetooth interfaces will be neck-and-neck as the No. 1 and No. 2 choices for installed systems, with more than 6 million units each. Portable navigational (GPS) devices will be the hands-down favorite, with more than 12 million drivers using them. That leaves a lot of room for upstart little guys (like Microsoft in the early 1980s) to make their plays.

Online Storage xDrive

If you’re like most folks, chances are that you like to take everything with you when you go. Your suitcase is always bulging at the seams when you travel, your briefcase is overflowing with folders when you leave the office, and your laptop’s hard drive is almost full to capacity with all your digital photos, MP3s, email messages, and other types of documents. If this sounds like you, then consider investigating Xdrive (www.xdrive.com) for help with your laptop storage needs.Xdrive is an online storage provider that essentially lets you extend your hard drive to the Internet so you can easily access your files from anywhere. As such, you no longer have to cram every file you could possibly need onto your laptop’s hard drive in order to have access to all of your files when you’re on the go; all you need is an Internet connection. A basic Xdrive account nets you 5GB of secure storage space for $9.95 a month, and you can upload, download, and otherwise access your files right from a browser. (If you’re a real power user, you can opt for a Power User Plan account that gives you 50GB for $24.95 per month.) In addition to extending your storage space, Xdrive also makes it easy for you to share files over the Internet with family, friends, and business associates. And best of all, you can try Xdrive for free with a 15-day trail account.After signing up for an Xdrive account, you have instant access to your virtual drive via your Web browser and the sophisticated Xdrive Web application. The Xdrive Web application, which uses Java technology, lets you easily access your data no matter where you are as long as you have access to a computer with an Internet connection. In order to make you feel right at home, the Xdrive Web interface looks and feels a lot like Windows Explorer and even mimics Windows XP’s folder naming scheme with folders called My Documents, My Music, My Photos, and so on. And, the tool-tip enabled toolbar makes it easy to perform a host of typical file management functions. On your laptop or desktop PC where you want even easier access, you can install the Xdrive Desktop application, which you can use to manage and connect to your account.Xdrive Desktop maps a drive letter to the storage space, which makes it easy to copy files back and forth from within Windows Explorer. Xdrive Desktop also comes with a built-in backup utility that lets you back up and restore data to your online storage space and restore backed up data to your computer. (Keep in mind that you may have to make a few changes to your firewall software settings in order to use Xdrive Desktop.) If you’re really on the go and have a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)- enabled mobile phone, PDA, or other handheld device, you can in fact connect to your Xdrive account from anywhere with the Xdrive Wireless feature.The main premise of Xdrive is to provide an option for easily accessing your files no matter where you are. Another benefit of storing your files on the Internet is that you can easily share them with family, friends, and business associates no matter where these people may be. Doing so is easy. You can share files in two ways. The first option lets you share an individual file by using the Send A File feature, which lets you compose an email message to your recipient that includes a link to the file along with instructions on how to download the file. The second option lets you share an entire folder and requires that you use the Share A Folder feature. This alternative also involves composing an email message containing a link, but you must also set up permissions for the shared folder in order to control what level of access your recipient has to the folder. Your recipient will then be set up with a free Xdrive account that she can use to access the shared folder.

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