New Yahoo!!

Yahoo! Mail is getting faster, and it has many more features, too. Yahoo! released the beta version of its new Yahoo! Mail in September. The limited number of current Yahoo! Mail users who are testing the latest version of Yahoo! Mail are guaranteed a faster email experience with enhanced functionality, all of which is made possible through technologies such as DHTML (Dynamic HTML), XML (Extensible Markup Language), and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).“The beta gives people a faster and more dynamic way to experience Yahoo! Mail, yet continues to offer the same features they rely upon today: great antispam and virus protection, tons of storage—it’s all there,” says Ethan Diamond, director, product development, Yahoo! Mail. The new version of Yahoo! Mail is available on Firefox and Internet Explorer. In addition to its increased speed, the beta gives users a fast and easy-to-use interface that functions like a desktop client, lets users view multiple email messages at the same time, provides keyboard shortcuts and right-click menus, and allows users to scroll all message headers in a folder rather than page by page.

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